Legal Legacy: Navigating Law
Firm Exit Planning

Unlocking Your Future & Crafting Your Strategy

Planning for the future of your small or solo law firm is
essential, especially when it comes to crafting a solid
exit strategy. Without a clear roadmap, many firms
find themselves at a loss when the time for transition
or retirement approaches. Even if selling or
succession is not on your radar, there are strategic
benefits to planning for such an event that leads to
enhanced value, efficiency, and scalability.

Join us for this live webinar, where we’ll demonstrate
how to assess your firm's current standing and
highlight the criteria that contribute to increased firm
value. During this webinar, you will:

- Understand What Drives Value: Gain
insights on the elements of a business
that increase the potential for success and
- Evaluate Your Firm: Receive a matrix that
will pinpoint areas that require attention
for enhanced worth and marketability. 
- Examine Succession Models: Explore
various succession models, from internal
transitions to mergers, and understand
their implications for your practice. 

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the full potential
of your law firm's future. Register now to secure your
spot and take the first step towards a successful

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024
ZOOM, 12:15-1:00pm ET

Legal Legacy: Navigating Law
Firm Exit Planning

Unlocking Your Future & Crafting Your Strategy


Planning for the future of your small or solo law firm is essential, especially when it comes to crafting a solid
exit strategy. Without a clear roadmap, many firms find themselves at a loss when the time for transition or retirement approaches. Even if selling or succession is not on your radar, there are strategic
benefits to planning for such an event that leads to enhanced value, efficiency, and scalability.
Join us for this live webinar, where we’ll demonstrate
how to assess your firm's current standing and highlight the criteria that contribute to increased firm
value. During this webinar, you will:
- Understand What Drives Value: Gain insights on the elements of a business that increase the potential for success and transition. 
- Evaluate Your Firm: Receive a matrix that will pinpoint areas that require attention for enhanced worth and marketability. 
- Examine Succession Models: Explore various succession models, from internal transitions to mergers, and understand
their implications for your practice. 
Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the full potential of your law firm's future. Register now to secure your spot and take the first step towards a successful transition!
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024 |
ZOOM | 12:15-1:00pm ET
Complete The Form Below To Reserve Your FREE Spot
Complete The Form Below To Reserve Your FREE Spot

About Your Presenter

Lori Pulvermacher

Certified Practice Advisor

Lori brings a rich and unique set of skills to help lawyers grow their businesses. Her experience includes coaching attorneys, law firm management, operations, marketing, sales and client delivery. Lori is organized, adaptable, creative, and analytical – and at the same time, is a professional with strong interpersonal skills. She is a master at networking and building strong relationships.

Registration is Now Open

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024 | ZOOM 12:15-1:00pm ET

Registration is Now Open

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024 |
ZOOM | 12:15-1:00pm ET